Case Study: Parisi House
About Parisi House
Founded in 1994, Santa Clara, CA-based Parisi House is a nonprofit residential substance abuse treatment facility specifically for women with children. The unique 42-bed facility provides housing and treatment services to parenting women and their children for up to six months.
Our first task was to conduct a Network Healthcheck to identify their network’s vulnerabilities and see how we could fix them.
Based off our findings, we implemented solutions that included:
24/7 remote monitoring and HelpDesk
Remote mediation
Antivirus/anti-malware software updates
OS updates
End-user device management
Basic server and basic application administration and reportin
And when cost issues forced Parisi House to postpone plans for a new backup server, we created an interim file backup process until they could afford a permanent solution.
To make up for the delays caused by their previous IT provider, we worked nights and weekends to stay on track and to avoid disrupting Parisi House’s work during the day.
Since slow response time was a major concern, we assigned a specific IT Services engineer to their account. And in the event he wasn’t available, we also conducted a detailed site survey so another engineer could help out.
To address their concerns, we held monthly meetings with the staff during the first three months of the contract, and quarterly reviews thereafter.